Sunday, December 23, 2012

What is offshore and why you need them?

What is offshore and why you need them?


Offshore areas - the countries that allowed to register on their territory offshore company, ie this state or any part thereof, where non-resident companies provide special registration mode and activity.
However, in order to attract investment, some jurisdictions define the status of offshore companies registered in the only well-defined countries.
Offshore zone - is mostly small island states that are seeking to increase their revenue from fees for registration and re-registration of offshore companies, tax revenue, fees for the maintenance of their official representatives (secretarial office) in the zone.

Offshore provide unique opportunities to their owners:

  •     Possible low or zero tax rates
  •     Simple and rapid procedure for setting up the company
  •     Minimum requirements for financial reporting
  •     Mobility of capital
  •     Guarantee the anonymity of owners
  •     Confidentiality of financial transactions
  •     Provided long-term benefits and privileges
  •     The use of trusts and other specialized financial institutions

It is rational!
"In life there is nothing inevitable, except death and taxes" - one of the most famous phrases B.Franklina. One can safely say that the constant desire of businessmen to reduce costs related to taxes as inevitable. The most appropriate mechanism for this are just offshore schemes.

It's natural!
For states small island countries, preferential conditions for registration and service companies in their territories - it is an essential way to supplement their public treasury.

Is this legal?
 Did the world with offshore companies? No, the world is fighting against terrorism and criminal money laundering. All the benefits of using offshore schemes available to absolutely legally.

It's easy!
Today, offshore business is so developed that become the owner of several companies from the most distant countries can be just for one day. Developed network for fast and easy maintenance of offshore companies at minimum cost.

This long-term!
In offshore all very logical: to replace any abolished privileges, necessarily come others.

1 comment:

  1. awesome blog fantastic post keep share like article really very informative for me Offshore company
